vs. All Monsters
By Chvad SB, on January 1st, 2011
record date: 11-21-2010
release date: 1-3-2011
recorded* and produced by: Chvad SB
label: Facility Records
cover art: Chvad SB
availability: Bandcamp
track list:
1. 7 Brothers Let Go of the Past, 2:46
2. Last One in Is a Rotten Destoroyah, 3:53
3. All Hail King Caesar, 7:15
4. Sodom and Gamera, 3:44
5. Voyage to the Center of the Spleen, 3:26
6. Invasion of the Booty Snatcher,s 3:10
7. My Parents Went to New Mexico And All I Got Was This
Stupid New T-Shirt, 4:42
this incarnation of Tongue Muzzle is:
Chvad SB: drums/whamola/sleep drone
Lars Casteen: sleep drone/whamola/drums/bass
Mr. 1234: bass/sleep drone/whamola
Zakai Robbins: whamolo/beatbox/drums
*recorded live straight to 2-Track. |
 vs All Monsters by Tongue Muzzle is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://tonguemuzzle.chvad.com/licensing.
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